2015(e)ko maiatzaren 20(a), asteazkena

An interview to Oihana

Oihana is a person who loves literature. She hates selfishness because she thinks it is one of the worst features. She is worried about Basque language’s future. She feels annoyed when people loose respect to each other. He feels embarrassed when she has to speak in front of the public. She is frightened by war. Tv is boring for her. Walking in the nature is relaxing for her.

What should every person try at least once in her/his life?
A trip by bicycle

What is the best advice you've been given?
You must leave your village to know yourself and the world

Who do you follow on Twitter?
I follow press

What is your favourite word?

What turns you on?
Holidays turns her on.

What sound do you love?
Walking on the leafs

If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and what would tell her/him?
I would ask a child living in Nepal how she/he feels

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you?
A knife, my daughter and bravery.
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