Postrerako Malu eta Moadek bizkotxo oso goxoak ekarri zituzten.
2014(e)ko abenduaren 20(a), larunbata
Hiruhilabete amaierako bazkaria
Joan den ostiralean ikasleek prestaturiko paella bazkaldu genuen hiruhilabeteari agurra emateko.
Perretxikoen proiektua
Azaroan astebetez "Perretxikoen proiektua" burutu dugu hizkuntza-gizarte eta zientzia-teknologia esparruak elkarrekin. Aktibitate desberdinak egin ditugu: bideoak ikusi, horma irudiak, laborategi-praktikak, irteera, erakusketa...
Perretxikoak from ipintza BHI on Vimeo
Ikasleak oso gustora ibili dira eta balorazio oso positiboa egin dute.
Perretxikoak from ipintza BHI on Vimeo
Ikasleak oso gustora ibili dira eta balorazio oso positiboa egin dute.
2014(e)ko abenduaren 12(a), ostirala
Perretxikoen sorgin-korroa
Antzuolan sorgin-korro bat (perretxikoek hazterakoan osatzen duten zirkulua) ikusi nuen eta gelan perretxikoen gaian hori landu genuenez, argazki bat atera eta irakasleari erakutsi nion .
Gelan komentatu nuenean, beste ikasle batek Institutuko ezkiaren inguruan ere bazegoela esan zuen eta bertara joan zen argazkia ateratzera.
Gelan komentatu nuenean, beste ikasle batek Institutuko ezkiaren inguruan ere bazegoela esan zuen eta bertara joan zen argazkia ateratzera.
Institutuko zuhaitzen ostoen lan bat egin genuen herbario izenekoa eta horrela institutuko zuhaitzen izena ezagutzeko aukera izan dugu.
2014(e)ko abenduaren 11(a), osteguna
Kalibre batekin erregelarekin egiten ditugun neurketak baino zehatzagoak egin ditzazkegu. Era ezberdinetako neurketak egin ditzazkegu: barne-neurketak, kanpo-neurketak eta sakonerak.
euskararen eguna
Euskararen egunean hainbat ekintza egin genituen. Batzuk altxorraren bila, beste batzuk herri kirolak eta beste batzuk tribial.
2014(e)ko abenduaren 7(a), igandea
Here you are a song interpreted by the real Ray Charles:
Who will be the next artist to discover?
2014(e)ko abenduaren 5(a), ostirala
Gasteizera irteera
Orain dela hilabete bat gutxigorabeherara Gasteizera irteera eduki genuen.
Goizeko 9:00etan autobus geltokian elkartu ginen, pesako autobus bat hartzeko,ordubeteko bidaia bat genuen gutxigorabehera.Gasteizera heldu ginenenean parlamentua ikustera joan ginen
Parlamentua ikusi ostean zientzia museora. Zientzia museoa ikusi genuen eta hortik 15:30arte libre eduki genuen.Denak Bulebarrera joan ginen.,15:30etan Bergarara bueltatzeko autobusa hartu genuelarik.
Goizeko 9:00etan autobus geltokian elkartu ginen, pesako autobus bat hartzeko,ordubeteko bidaia bat genuen gutxigorabehera.Gasteizera heldu ginenenean parlamentua ikustera joan ginen
Perretxiko erakusketa
Dibertsiko bi taldeek, hau da, 3B eta 4B taldeek erakusketa prestatu genuen Institutuan, aurreko egunean San Martzialen eta Basalgon batutako perretxikoekin..
Institutuko beste ikasle eta irakasleek ikus zezaten jarri genuen. Dena ondo irten zen, eta oso ondo zegoela esan ziguten.
Institutuko beste ikasle eta irakasleek ikus zezaten jarri genuen. Dena ondo irten zen, eta oso ondo zegoela esan ziguten.
Perretxiko bila San Martzial eta Basalgora.
Dibertsiko 3.B eta 4.B-eko ikasleak perretxiko bila joan ginen. Batzuk Basalgora bizikletaz eta besteak San Martzialera oinez.
Hemen argazki batzuk daude:
2014(e)ko azaroaren 13(a), osteguna
2014(e)ko azaroaren 10(a), astelehena
Listen to the song and fill the gaps with these words:
everybody somebody dammit mirror you bitches problemo bottom motherfucker keep dammit need eyes farther oldschools chickens somebody god
Will.I.Am - Feeling Myself
I'll be everywhere, ____________ know me
Super, super fresh, what a dope styling
Hunny on my wrist, couple karats on my neck
Givenchy, keep the chickens in check
All these car keys, drive them chickens to my crib
Jewel heel, got ________ slipping in my bed
She give me IQ, that mean she get a head
I just give the beats, so don't give a bread
'Cause we be in the club
Bottles on deck
And god dammit, god dammit
I'm feeling myself
'Cause I'mma get it all
And I'mma throw it up
Like god _______ , god dammit
I'm feeling myself
Look up in the mirror
And the mirror look at me
The ________be like baby you the sh*t
God dammit you the sh*t
You the sh*t, you the sh*t
God dammit you the sh*t
God dammit you the sh*t
You the sh*t, you the sh*t
[French Montana]
I be everywhere, everybody know me
Catch me in the club hundred bottles on me
I get busy like a one line
In the drop getting head baby never mind
We gettin' money why you playing with it
Pool in the crib _____ could land a water plane in it
Slick Rick looking at the mirror
Big Daddy Kane [?] like Shakira
1.5 custom made car
Me and will table looking like the bar
I love bad ________ that's my fuckin' problem
And I don't give a fuck that's my fuckin' problem
And I don't give a fuck that's my whole Annotatemo
I rock the whole globe with no __________
Been rocking coats since my first demo
And now I'm banging hoes in the continental10/11/2014 letra de Feeling Myself de Will.I.Am - MUSICA.COM 2/3
And I done seen me slidin' out my dope ride
I open up the doors, suicide
I came from the ________ , the sewer side
I made it to the top cus I do it fly
Feelin' fuckin' lucky like the fuckin' Irish
I see the whole game from my third Iris
I tour the whole word like a dirty pirate
To give the whole world some Miley Cyrus
[Miley Cyrus]
Now everybody trippin' like they poppin' molAnnotately
Up in the club, is where you can find me
I do it real big never do it tiny
If you about that bullshit please don't remind me
I step in this ____________ just to make it work
I get on the floor just to make that booty twerk
Shake, shake that ass like a, like an expert
Shake, shake that ass like a, like an expert
I'll be everywhere, everybody know me
Super, super fresh, what a dope styling
Hunny on my wrist, couple karats on my neck
Givenchy,_______ the chickens in check
All these car keys, drive them chickens to my crib
Jewel heel, got somebody slipping in my bed
She give me IQ, that mean she get a head
I just give the beats, so don't give a bread
'Cause we be in the club
Bottles on deck
And god dammit, god dammit
I'm feeling myself
'Cause I'mma get it all
And I'mma throw it up
Like god dammit, god _______
I'm feeling myself
[Wiz Khalifa]
Doobie in my hand, Rollie on my wrist
Got a bottle of that thousand dollar champagne in my fist
Women of in your dreams sleep in my bed
So I don't need your brains I _______ my ass kissed
But all my homies like give me some head
Smoke joints till our ______ turn Indian red
Takes shots till our chests burn
We got papers, bottles, mollies, all this let's get it started
The bigger the bill, the bigger you ball
The bigger the watch, the bigger the car, the bigger the star
The bigger the chain, the ________ you go, you already know
The bigger the bank that's more hoes, nigga
And I done spent a quarter milli on clothes
Coppin' them __________ and puttin' foriegns on the road
Real talk and if my fuel get low
I roll up another joint take a shot and reload, pow
I'll be everywhere, everybody know me
Super, super fresh, what a dope styling
Hunny on my wrist, couple karats on my neck
Givenchy, keep the ________ in check
All these car keys, drive them chickens to my crib
Jewel heel, got somebody slipping in my bed
She give me IQ, that mean she get a head
I just give the beats, so don't give a bread
'Cause we be in the club
Bottles on deck
And god dammit, god dammit
I'm feeling myself
'Cause I'mma get it all
And I'mma throw it up
Like _____ dammit, god dammit
I'm feeling myself - Letras, v deos, wallpapers, foros, biograf as...
everybody somebody dammit mirror you bitches problemo bottom motherfucker keep dammit need eyes farther oldschools chickens somebody god
Will.I.Am - Feeling Myself
I'll be everywhere, ____________ know me
Super, super fresh, what a dope styling
Hunny on my wrist, couple karats on my neck
Givenchy, keep the chickens in check
All these car keys, drive them chickens to my crib
Jewel heel, got ________ slipping in my bed
She give me IQ, that mean she get a head
I just give the beats, so don't give a bread
'Cause we be in the club
Bottles on deck
And god dammit, god dammit
I'm feeling myself
'Cause I'mma get it all
And I'mma throw it up
Like god _______ , god dammit
I'm feeling myself
Look up in the mirror
And the mirror look at me
The ________be like baby you the sh*t
God dammit you the sh*t
You the sh*t, you the sh*t
God dammit you the sh*t
God dammit you the sh*t
You the sh*t, you the sh*t
[French Montana]
I be everywhere, everybody know me
Catch me in the club hundred bottles on me
I get busy like a one line
In the drop getting head baby never mind
We gettin' money why you playing with it
Pool in the crib _____ could land a water plane in it
Slick Rick looking at the mirror
Big Daddy Kane [?] like Shakira
1.5 custom made car
Me and will table looking like the bar
I love bad ________ that's my fuckin' problem
And I don't give a fuck that's my fuckin' problem
And I don't give a fuck that's my whole Annotatemo
I rock the whole globe with no __________
Been rocking coats since my first demo
And now I'm banging hoes in the continental10/11/2014 letra de Feeling Myself de Will.I.Am - MUSICA.COM 2/3
And I done seen me slidin' out my dope ride
I open up the doors, suicide
I came from the ________ , the sewer side
I made it to the top cus I do it fly
Feelin' fuckin' lucky like the fuckin' Irish
I see the whole game from my third Iris
I tour the whole word like a dirty pirate
To give the whole world some Miley Cyrus
[Miley Cyrus]
Now everybody trippin' like they poppin' molAnnotately
Up in the club, is where you can find me
I do it real big never do it tiny
If you about that bullshit please don't remind me
I step in this ____________ just to make it work
I get on the floor just to make that booty twerk
Shake, shake that ass like a, like an expert
Shake, shake that ass like a, like an expert
I'll be everywhere, everybody know me
Super, super fresh, what a dope styling
Hunny on my wrist, couple karats on my neck
Givenchy,_______ the chickens in check
All these car keys, drive them chickens to my crib
Jewel heel, got somebody slipping in my bed
She give me IQ, that mean she get a head
I just give the beats, so don't give a bread
'Cause we be in the club
Bottles on deck
And god dammit, god dammit
I'm feeling myself
'Cause I'mma get it all
And I'mma throw it up
Like god dammit, god _______
I'm feeling myself
[Wiz Khalifa]
Doobie in my hand, Rollie on my wrist
Got a bottle of that thousand dollar champagne in my fist
Women of in your dreams sleep in my bed
So I don't need your brains I _______ my ass kissed
But all my homies like give me some head
Smoke joints till our ______ turn Indian red
Takes shots till our chests burn
We got papers, bottles, mollies, all this let's get it started
The bigger the bill, the bigger you ball
The bigger the watch, the bigger the car, the bigger the star
The bigger the chain, the ________ you go, you already know
The bigger the bank that's more hoes, nigga
And I done spent a quarter milli on clothes
Coppin' them __________ and puttin' foriegns on the road
Real talk and if my fuel get low
I roll up another joint take a shot and reload, pow
I'll be everywhere, everybody know me
Super, super fresh, what a dope styling
Hunny on my wrist, couple karats on my neck
Givenchy, keep the ________ in check
All these car keys, drive them chickens to my crib
Jewel heel, got somebody slipping in my bed
She give me IQ, that mean she get a head
I just give the beats, so don't give a bread
'Cause we be in the club
Bottles on deck
And god dammit, god dammit
I'm feeling myself
'Cause I'mma get it all
And I'mma throw it up
Like _____ dammit, god dammit
I'm feeling myself - Letras, v deos, wallpapers, foros, biograf as...
Listen to the song and fill the gaps with these words:
-stretch, know, violence, independent ,unity, like, because, Come, society, way -
I sometimes ____ your fuckin' rules
But I'm not dumb, I'm not a fool
I don't need anybody tellin' me what I have to do
I ____ what I want 'coz that's my attitude
I won't be dictated to
I do what I want to do
And if the people on the streets cannot understand
I also sometimes convince them with ______-
I'm no boozer, but I'm sometimes drunk
I tell what I want, I have a ready tongue
Many tried to missuse me for their own aims
But I'm still _____ and go my own way
Diffamed by the press, standered by ______
They only tell you lies ______ of their density
So don't believe those muckmuckers and their ficticious news
____ to me and I'll show you what's false and what's true
Ref.: I ____ my way, my ____ of life
I'm a skinhead that's my pride
Oi! is my music, belongs to me
It stands for the cult and _____
But I'm not dumb, I'm not a fool
I don't need anybody tellin' me what I have to do
I ____ what I want 'coz that's my attitude
I won't be dictated to
I do what I want to do
And if the people on the streets cannot understand
I also sometimes convince them with ______-
I'm no boozer, but I'm sometimes drunk
I tell what I want, I have a ready tongue
Many tried to missuse me for their own aims
But I'm still _____ and go my own way
Diffamed by the press, standered by ______
They only tell you lies ______ of their density
So don't believe those muckmuckers and their ficticious news
____ to me and I'll show you what's false and what's true
Ref.: I ____ my way, my ____ of life
I'm a skinhead that's my pride
Oi! is my music, belongs to me
It stands for the cult and _____
Listen to the song and fill the gaps
Here's a little ____ wrote,
you might want to sing it note for note,
don't worry, be ____
in every life we have ____ trouble,
when ___ worry you make it double
don't worry, be happy
dont worry be happy ___
dont worry be happy
dont worry be happy
dont worry be happy
dont worry be happy
aint got no ____ to lay your head,
somebody came ___ took your bed,
don't worry, be happy
the landlord ___ your rent is late,
he may have to _______,
dont worry (_____ laugh) be happy,
look __ me im happy,
don't worry, be happy
i give you my ____ number,
when your _____, call me,
i make you happy
don't worry, be happy
aint got no cash, aint got no style,
aint got no gal to ____ you smile
but don't worry, be happy
cos ____ you worry, your face will frown,
and that will bring everybody down,
__ don't worry, be happy
don't worry, __ happy now...
don't worry, be happy
don't worry, be happy
don't worry, be happy
don't worry, be happy
now ____ this song i wrote
i hope you you _______ it note for note
like good little children
dont worry be happy
listen to _____ i say
in your life expect some trouble
when ___ worry you make it double
dont worry be _____
be happy now
dont worry, be happy
dont worry, be happy
dont worry, be happy
dont worry, be happy
dont worry
dont worry be happy
don't worry, don't worry, ____ do it,
be happy,put a smile on your face,
don't bring _________ down like this
don't worry, it will soon ____ whatever it is,
don't worry, be happy,
i'm not _______
Listen to the song and fill the gaps with these words:
System twisted higher Marvin remember
System party jumpin’ success
Here’s a little info you should know
Here’s a little info, info, info
Get the party rockin’, bottles poppin’
Tonight we gon’ turn up ‘till we twisted, ......... twisted
Yeah, yeah, yeah
......... thumpin’, the club is jumpin’
Tonight we gon’ turn up ‘till we twisted, twisted, twisted
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Let’s toast to the ........... and take it a little ........
May tomorrow bring you everything your heart desires
Let your driving ambitions offer you new visions
May your gut-instinct help you make good decisions
This is more than Champagne, this is more than just a glass
This is a symbol of accomplishment we yeah ever had
Let’s enjoy tonight like tonight’s our last
We can focus on the future and reflect on the past
We done came so far, I mean, look where we are
If they don’t call us by name they call us entrepreneurs
When the block to the ballroom, the hood to the high life
Skyscraper paper, baby, life in a limelight
Want the best of the best, the top of the top
I mean the baddest bitch, you know, the cream of the crop
We gotta hustle and have it, we better than
More like the elite, my nigga, we gotta eat
Get the party rockin’, bottles poppin’
Tonight we gon’ turn up ‘till we twisted, twisted, twisted
Yeah, yeah, yeah
......... thumpin’, the club is jumpin’
Tonight we gon’ turn up ‘till we twisted, twisted, twisted
Yeah, yeah, yeah
What was once a strike against us has ........... an advantage
Cause we grind when we at it like we stone-cold addicts
That mastermind, that mental is oh so essential
Product of the environment, they ain't been what we've been through
I’m fond of the phrase “If there’s a will, there’s a way”
‘Cause we come from the parts where only killas could play
Southside, it’s alright, ghetto’s my Alma Mater huh? It’s alright
We could keep the party ......... like this all night
The bottles, just keep ‘em coming, baby, let’s get right
Let’s get it on, play a little .........
It’s gettin’ hot in here, homie, this could be a problem
[?] let’s keep riding to the top
Let’s do it, do it big and let the fuckin’ haters watch, oh yeah
This is perfect, this a moment to ..........
As we proceed on our money getting agenda
Get the........ rockin’, bottles poppin’
Tonight we gon’ turn up ‘till we twisted, twisted, twisted
Yeah, yeah,......
System thumpin’, the club is jumpin’
Tonight we gon’ turn up ‘till we twisted, twisted, twisted
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Listen to the song and fill the gaps with these words:
woman ,government, tears,past, burnin,my feet is ,everything,carriage, darlin' cry.,
No no cry
No woman no cry
No woman no cry
No woman no cry
Cause I remember when we used to sit
In a yard in trenchtown
Observing the hypocrites
Mingle with the good people we meet
Good friends we have, oh, good friends we have lost
Along the way
In this great future,
You can't forget your past
So dry your tears, I say
No woman no cry
No woman no cry
Little darling, don't shed no tears
No woman no cry
Said I remember when we use to sit
In the government yard in trenchtown
And then georgie would make the fire lights
I seh, log would burnin' through the nights
Then we would cook cornmeal porridge
Of which I'll share with you
My feet is my only carriage
And so I've got to push on thru,
Oh, while I'm gone
Everything 's gonna be alright
Everything 's gonna be alright
No woman no cry
No woman no cry
I seh little darlin'
Don't shed no tears
No woman no cry.
Listen to the song and fill the gaps with these words:
white, brown, write, know, baby, falling, way, over, time, what, keep
Cold house, _______light
Yellow lamps and black in the skies
Full holes in deep ______eyes
I sing you a song that I think you'll like
And we walk to places we always go
A million faces, I don't know
I say the words it always hopes that our heart are racing
(Even though)
I know what you told me
I know that it's all over and
I know I can't keep calling
Every time I run yeah
I keep on ______
I know what you told me
I know that it's all over and
I know I can't keep calling
Every time I run yeah
I keep on falling (on you)
On the _____I stand
On the way I sway
The way your hair coats in the rain
The little lines that_______on your face
On the winter nights, you come and stay
Oh the way you hit me when you wanna fight
The way I yawn, the way I cry
The way I love rose with the ties
But we know it won't make up every time
I ______what you told me
I know that it's all over and
I know I can't keep calling
Every _____ I run yeah
I keep on falling
I know what you told me
I know that it's all over and
I know I can't keep calling
Every time I run yeah
I keep on falling (on you)
Oh you bring me all the things I need
I follow the rain to the rolling sea
I love you______ all the things I lay
I know what you told me
I know that it's all over and
I know I can't keep calling
Just every time I run
I keep on falling
I know what you told me
I know that it's all _____and
I know I can't keep calling
Just every time I run
I keep on falling
And I know ______ you told me
I know that it's all over and
I know I can't keep calling
Every time I run yeah
I keep on falling
And I know what you told me
And I know that it's all over and
I know I can't _____calling
Every time I run yeah
I keep on falling (on you)
Read more: Tom Odell - I Know Lyrics | MetroLyrics
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